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I have begun to renovate this page, and am attempting to give it a more proffesional look. I will submit it to the TORn community again, although I am doubtlessly doomed to be denied. If you have any suggestions, samwise@meduseld.com
I never get around to posting news... Anyway, I just returned from a trip to Greece, so maybe I will post some of my photos.
Well, it's been quite a while since the last entry, not that anyone other than me w ould notice. Anyway, if anyone hapens to chance upon this page, and has any fan art to spare, please submit it to my site. Visit the fan art page Here I hope to soon update the Info page.
Today I have added a fan section. Please submit any fan art or writing.
Alright, I'm finally ready to start posting news again. Unfortunatly, I can think of no news to post, except that I recently (okay, actually it was a long time ago) established "The Golden Perch", Meduseld's chat room. Stop by any time, but don't expect any company.
Sorry for not posting anything yesterday. This will be the last entry (unless something really important happens) untill after January 27, as I have to study for a big test.
As far as LOTR movie news, not much is going on today. I found a picture from the set of the LOTR movie which I have been pulling my hair out about all day. Click here for more info on the "Spiky Wheel".
I don't have much to announce today, all I want to post is the new Tolkien Award i've created, Samwise the Smart's Tolkien Award of Excellence. Here is a picture of it:
If you think your Tolkien site is worthy of this award, e-mail me with the url of your site and I will take a look at it. If I recieve no submissions, theonering.net will probably win. Submit here.
Sorry for not posting anything yesterday. This will be the last entry (unless something really important happens) untill after January 27, as I have to study for a big test.
As far as LOTR movie news, not much is going on today. I found a picture from the set of the LOTR movie which I have been pulling my hair out about all day. Click here for more info on the "Spiky Wheel".
This is the first entry in Meduseld's news log.
Not much to report today. I am working on a LOTR board game as a project at school. My group is currently working on a model of Meduseld, made of clay and popsickle sticks. I hope to post a picture of the game, someday. I will continue to post news about the game, though you may not be interested in it.